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Kaydeli Chiller Equipment

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Air-cooled Heat Pump Chiller vs. Water-cooled Chiller

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 Industrial products generate a crucial amount of heat that must be  dissipated in order to keep the finished products safe and to prevent the sensitive equipment from damage. The use of chiller systems which can either be water or air-cooled is a well-known method of guiding and maintaining temperatures at optimal levels.

This article emphasizes on the disparity between a water-cooled chiller and air-cooled chiller system.

However, the function of both air-cooled chiller and water-cooled chiller is to get rid of undesirable heat from production processes, they differ in various ways. Several factors that determine the type of chiller that is suitable for your industrial process include:

· chiller condenser mechanisms

· cost differences

· environmental and location considerations

air cooled chiller

Air-cooled heat pump Condenser vs. Water-cooled Condenser

An air-cooled chiller and a water-cooled chiller have noticeable differences.

Air-cooled chiller heat pump chiller consist of condensers that make use of the ambient air to lower the temperatures of the refrigerant. Air is compelled by fans over tubing that encloses refrigerant, hence, heat is eliminated from it.

To obtain a cooling effect, the cooled refrigerant used in chillers can then be disseminated through the industrial product.

In contrast, water-cooled chillers use high heat capacity of water to ease refrigerant cooling. A mixture of water and glycol which is circulated in a closed network of tubing is the common coolant used in water-cooled systems.

When  the chilled refrigerant is allowed to transit a heat exchanger that is interconnected with the current industrial process, cooling arise. Warmed coolant returns afterward to a cooling tower or refrigeration unit, this completely remove the heat gained in preparation for the next cooling cycle.

Cost Differences

Another observable factors in comparing air-cooled and water-cooled chillers is the cost of purchase, maintenance and installation. Air-cooled chillers have high esteemed appearance due to their design and operation, hence they are costlier.

Firstly, air-cooled systems will require costs for installation of fans, air ducts and thermoregulation controls. Furthermore, enormous amounts of energy is required by these chiller systems to bring about their cooling effect that will result into higher electrical charges.

 However, water-cooled chillers is less expensive to install, yet, they require more cost for long-term operatives because many of the chiller types would like to be installed with cooling towers. In addition, following the sorting of chiller maintenance costs such as the compulsory treatment of water, testing of water quality and the operating expenses of the refrigeration system, water-cooled operating expenses is able to increase drastically.

Environmental and Location Considerations

Another significant point to take into account when determining the choice of an industrial chiller is the intended location of a chiller unit. There are benefits and malefits in choosing either air-cooled or water-cooled chillers, depending on the site plans.

Indoor Locations

Various types of both air-cooled and water-cooled chiller can be set up in an indoor location.

Nevertheless, more considerable space have to be provided for air-cooled chillers. This is for the sake of air-cooled chillers that require a means to adequate ambient air in order to function appropriately.

 When an air-cooled chiller is placed in an indoor space with insufficient ventilation, its cooling abilities will be hindered and there will be decrease in its quality. By comparison, water chillers can be set up in areas with smallest amount of ventilation as their cooling towers can be situated on the building’s exterior.

Outdoor Locations

Selecting an air-cooled chiller in an outdoor setting is more beneficial as there is an endless access to a large flow of the ambient air needed to help in coolant chiling. Water-cooled chiller systems are rarely placed in an outdoor location.

 water cooled chiller

Source for high quality air cooled heat pump chiller from us

Are you in need of a renowned manufacturer of high quality air cooled heat pump chiller for any industrial use? If yes, then you can count on us as a reliable manufacturer you can work with.

For more information on our products, services of to place an order, kindly click here to reach us, and we’ll be very happy to partner with you.


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